Learn to meditate

I'll be going through my particular approach to meditation which is simple and pragmatic and something you can do by yourself, no teacher required. I did it this way because I was too ill to find a teacher or go on a retreat, and when I tried to find one I was knocked back. Anyway, the techniques I will describe will take you where you need to go - there's nothing new here, no magic, and you can take it or leave it. If you feel like you need a break, some relief from life, some outlet, some bliss, then give it a go.

So then, to begin, start with two things:

- a sensible diet
- a body scan meditation

It's a good idea to do something every day. You can try my body scan but a good way to embrace the technique is to record your own version. Changing your diet to something healthy is not a trivial thing  - the urges and impulses related to eating are complex. Start by eating less.
