
Showing posts from 2017

How do I fix myself with mindfulness

Seven factors of awakening

Do you find yourself having an opinion about things you know nothing about?

Moorland stream

Exploring the six sense bases


The zen path

The gradual path

You are not your thoughts

Focus on the space

Still meditating

A month of meditation

When meditation becomes training and a discipline

Four elements meditation

Investigate the mind and know you are doing it

The pleasure of breathing in and out

Yes, I'm mindful

Navigating the mind through meditation

Three breaths mind experiment

Change your mind

Bare attention and clear comprehension

Ground yourself

Your body holds your mind

Mindfulness of the body parts

The four foundations of mindfulness

Thoughts have a direct effect on the body - try it now

Body scan meditation

A nice exercise in whole body awareness

Feel good techniques twitter bot

The fantastical feel good loop

After you've transcended yourself